
Admin Menu Editor Pro

  • Interfaces for external users or functions should be hidden

Just a few touches will change the permissions on the menu. Click a role, uncheck the bill items you want to conceal, and then check the show-like items for the required amount. You may often swap permits because of unaccompanied users. For instance, after visiting a certain admin page, you should keep a bill secret from anybody outside yourself and provide access to a user without changing their role.


  • Put the Draw and Drop menu in order.

WordPress may be made easier by moving basic, older bills to the top in order of consumption. You may also swap menu items across submenus and then imitate the main menu. Do you want a top-level link to “Add New Post” in the form of a special plugin then? You may perhaps run it. Having trouble with a plugin because it incorrectly positions the admin’s web page? Change those following “Settings” instead.


  • Choose from over 600 bill symbols next to

The plugin comes with a huge collection of icons in addition to Dashicons or FontAwesome battle fonts. You may manually add the fight URL and your very own PNG and GIF icons using the Media Library. Additionally, you provide sub-menu objects icons.


  • Change the bill’s colors.

Change the background, text, icon, and highlight colors. You may arrange your modifications while also customizing the colorations for individual items using the whole admin menu.


  • Create New Items for Menu

By copying the admin menu, you may assemble your own links. Additionally, you may create a customized bill by publishing and a web page that embeds the item into the WordPress admin. Finally, non-clickable items may be created that are nonetheless helpful due to features like section headers in challenging admin menus.


  • Open menus in the iframe and the aforementioned tab

Let’s say you’re making a website for a non-technical user, but you want to change an instructional page to comply with edits, and an outside service seems to be a WordPress component. Additionally, the “Open in: Frame” option may be useful. This option displays a system without boundaries’ connected web page. For completeness, a “new window” option (i.e. target=” blank”) is also provided.


  • Menu import and export preferences

After importing it from another site, export the admin menu portion in accordance with a registration.

Cover the plugs.

The ‘Plugins’ tab should be cleared of any odd entries. Similar to menu items, you may cover all of them or only those above and beyond certain users and functions.


  • Applying branding

By using the Branding add-on, you may replace WordPress’ default branding with one of your own. You can alter the WordPress logo, the login tab’s appearance, the admin’s color scheme, the WordPress version, the updates at the bottom, and many other things.


  • Update the Administrators’ Bar

You may customize the Admin Bar, which is sometimes referred to as being similar to the WordPress Toolbar, using the optional add-on to the Toolbar Editor. You may rename objects, organize recent links, hide items from the toolbar, adjust their discipline (such as drag & drop), and more.

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Menus for users or functions outside your company should be hidden With only a few touches, change permissions from the menu. Select a role, uncheck the things in the bill that you want to conceal, and then select the elements that represent the show for the amount you need. Editor Pro Admin Menu

  • Downloads:
  • Released On:
    16 February 2021
  • Version:
  • Compatibility:
    WordPress 5.7.x,
  • Framework:

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